Ниже представлены английские идиомы, которые начинаются с буквы “T”.
a tall order
Нужно понимать как: сложная задача
Winning six gold medals at the Olympic Games is a tall order, but not impossible. Mark Spitz won seven at the 1972 Olympics.
take a break
Нужно понимать как: взять паузу, отдохнуть
Let’s take a break for ten minutes, and when we come back we can start a new section.
take for granted
Нужно понимать как: считать что-то само собой разумеющимся
She had always taken her family’s help for granted, and was shocked when told they wouldn’t help her out this time.
take into account
Нужно понимать как: принимать во внимание
Don’t forget to take the traffic into account when you decide what time to leave for the airport.
take part
Нужно понимать как: принимать участие
You don’t have to take part in the competition. You can just watch if you like.
take something the wrong way
Нужно понимать как: неправильно понять
Be careful when talking to teenagers as they can be very sensitive and take things the wrong way easily.
take the bull by the horns
Нужно понимать как: взять быка за рога, действовать решительно
Pauline wasn’t happy with the manager’s decision, so she took the bull by the horns and demanded to see him in order to discuss the matter.
take the mickey | mick out of someone
Нужно понимать как: копировать чье-то поведение в шутливой манере
When I moved to the U.S., I upset a few people by taking the mickey out of them. They didn’t understand that it was just for fun, and I wasn’t being mean to them.
take the plunge
Нужно понимать как: сделать что-то, несмотря на возможный риск и опасность
I’d always wanted to be a writer, so when I was thirty I took the plunge. I quit my nine-to-five job and worked full-time on my novel instead.
take with a grain of salt | take with a pinch of salt
Нужно понимать как: воспринимать с недоверием
Uncle Bill tells some great stories, but we take what he says with a grain of salt because he sometimes exaggerates or makes things up.
talk through your hat
Нужно понимать как: говорить чепуху
Evan says that quantum physics proves that space and time don’t really exist, but Kathy says he’s talking through his hat.
talk turkey
Нужно понимать как: говорить по делу
After the owner had shown him around the apartment, Shane decided it was just what he wanted, so he said, “OK, I’m interested. Let’s talk turkey.”
teething problems | teething troubles
Нужно понимать как: проблемы начального периода
The government had a few teething problems early in its term, but most people think they did a good job overall.
tell (things) apart
Нужно понимать как: понимать разницу, различать
I couldn’t tell the twins apart when they were babies, but I can tell them apart now.
test the waters
Нужно понимать как: разведать обстановку
You should go to a couple of classes to test the waters before you decide whether to take the course.
the tip of the iceberg
Нужно понимать как: верхушка айсберга
The homeless kids who visit us for help are just the tip of the iceberg. There are thousands more we never see.
Things are looking up.
Нужно понимать как: дела идут на поправку
John: “Is business getting any better?” Barry: “Well, things are looking up, but it still isn’t as good as it was last year.”
think better of something
Нужно понимать как: отказаться от чего-то, что планировалось ранее
Danny was going to drop out of university and become a travel writer. But he thought better of quitting his studies and decided to finish his course.
think outside the box
Нужно понимать как: мыслить нестандартно
One of the reasons Gerry can solve problems so well is that he’s able to think outside the box.
think the world of
Нужно понимать как: очень высокого мнения о ком-то
If there’s one person most of us think the world of, I guess it’d be Nelson Mandela.
throw someone in at the deep end
Нужно понимать как: дать кому-то крайне сложную задачу
In her first overseas teaching job, Kathy was thrown in at the deep end with a class of 30 kids and no training, no books, and no guidelines.
tie the knot
Нужно понимать как: вступить в брак
Tammy and Stevie Ray are tying the knot at the Shortside Baptist Church next Saturday, and you’re all invited.
tighten your belt
Нужно понимать как: затянуть пояс, экономить
I’ll have to tighten my belt for a while so I can pay off my debts.
time after time
Нужно понимать как: раз за разом
We’ve told our son time after time to call us if he’s going to be late, but he still forgets sometimes.
time and time again
Нужно понимать как: снова и снова
I’ve told Terry time and time again not to call me before ten in the morning, but he still does it!