Нижче представлені ідіоми, що розпочинаються з літери “B”.
(your) bread and butter
Треба розуміти як: кошти для існування, джерело прибутку
Bartending is my bread and butter at the moment, but I’m trying to get into acting.
a bad hair day
Треба розуміти як: день, коли все валиться з рук
Poor Sue’s in a terrible mood. I think she’s having a bad hair day.
a bag of tricks
Треба розуміти як: набір хитрих прийомів, що дозволяють досягти цілі
I wonder what the Republicans will pull out of their bag of tricks to win the election this time.
a ballpark figure | a ballpark estimate
Треба розуміти як: приблизна сума, приблизна кількість
I know you can’t tell me exactly when it’ll be finished, but can you give me a ballpark estimate?
a blessing in disguise
Треба розуміти як: не було б щастя, та нещастя допомогло; щось таке, що спочатку було погане, але потім призвело до хороших результатів
His accident was a blessing in disguise because it gave him lots of time to think about his life while he was recovering, and as a result he made some important changes that improved his life.
back to square one
Треба розуміти як: починати все з початку
After they lost the election, the Liberal Party had to go back to square one and come up with some new policies and some new ideas.
back to the drawing board
Треба розуміти як: починати все з початку, розроблювати новий план
Our new drug worked on rats, but when it was tried on people it failed, so we had to go back to the drawing board and start again.
backed into a corner
Треба розуміти як: бути загнаним в кут; потрапити у скрутну ситуацію
When his business failed, Gerry felt he’d been backed into a corner and he didn’t know what he could do.
bark up the wrong tree
Треба розуміти як: робити щось неправильно, слідувати помилковою дорогою
The police think the drugs are being brought in by the mafia, but they’re barking up the wrong tree. They should be looking much closer to home.
bear the brunt
Треба розуміти як: витримувати найсильніший удар
The driver bore the brunt of the crash because he was right at the front of the bus.
beat around the bush | beat about the bush
Треба розуміти як: говорити натяками, не говорити щось прямо
I had trouble telling Pedro he’d lost his job. I started beating around the bush and talking about one door closing and another door opening.
beat the rap
Треба розуміти як: уникати покарання
Everyone knows that Jimmy the Snitch did the robbery in Green St., but he beat the rap because he’s in with the cops.
behind someone’s back
Треба розуміти як: робити щось поза очима когось
We’ve taught our kids that it’s impolite to talk about people behind their backs.
behind the eight ball
Треба розуміти як: бути в тяжкій або небезпечній ситуації
The economic recession has really put our new business behind the eight ball. Nobody’s spending money.
behind the times
Треба розуміти як: застаріле
How can we be a successful company if our executives are so behind the times that they don’t know what people want these days?
beside the point
Треба розуміти як: щось неактуальне, щось, що не відноситься до основної теми розмови
What older people think of the product is beside the point. We are marketing to young people, so the only thing that matters is what they think.
beyond a shadow of a doubt
Треба розуміти як: поза всяким сумнівом
Are you absolutely sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he is guilty of the crime?
bite your tongue | hold your tongue
Треба розуміти як: прикусити язика; змусити себе мовчати, коли дуже хочеться щось сказати
I wanted to tell Carlos he was being stupid, but I bit my tongue and just sat there.
blow your own horn | blow your own trumpet
Треба розуміти як: хвалити себе
I hate the way Barry always blows his own horn, and I get sick of hearing about all the amazing things he’s done.
break the ice
Треба розуміти як: покласти початок, порушити мовчання, “розтопити лід” при першій зустрічі
What do you do in a new class to help break the ice and get students talking?
break your heart
Треба розуміти як: завдавати емоційного болю, “розбити серце”
I loved Monty, and he broke my heart when he left me and went off with someone else.
burn your bridges | burn your boats
Треба розуміти як: “спалювати мости”, зробити все можливе для того, щоб не повертатися до минулого стилю життя/звички та ін
If you insult the boss when you leave, you’ll be burning your bridges and you’ll never be able to go back to work there again.
by the book
Треба розуміти як: за всіма правилами, як написано
The match officials in the golf tournament acted strictly by the book when they disqualified a player for marking down the wrong score on his score card.
by word of mouth
Треба розуміти як: із уст в уста, через знайомих
Word of mouth made this movie a hit. A few people saw it and told their friends about it, and then they told more people about it, and before long everyone was going to see it.
the back of beyond | the back of the beyond
Треба розуміти як: “край світу”, місце, що знаходиться дуже далеко від міста; дуже віддалене місце
Why do you want to live way out in the desert? It’s in the back of beyond.
the ball’s in your court
Треба розуміти як: все залежить від тебе
We’ve offered him ten thousand dollars a month, so the ball’s in his court now.