Нижче представлені англійські ідіоми, що розпочинаються з літери “F”.
a fair-weather friend
Треба розуміти як: людина, що буде другом лише тоді, коли в тебе гарно йдуть справи
I had lots of friends when I was rich and successful, but when the money was gone it became clear that most were only fair-weather friends.
a fait accompli
Треба розуміти як: доконаний факт
We know the judge in this case has been paid off by the defendant, so the verdict is a fait accompli.
a flash in the pan
Треба розуміти як: подарунок долі; хтось чи щось ефективне чи успішне лише протягом короткого проміжку часу
Her first song was a big hit, but when Debbie’s next song didn’t do so well people started calling her a flash in the pan.
a foregone conclusion
Треба розуміти як: вирішено наперед; всі знають, коли щось станеться в майбутньому
Everyone thinks it’s a foregone conclusion that Roger will win, but I’m not so sure.
face the music
Треба розуміти як: без страху зустріти критику чи труднощі
To avoid facing the music and accepting his punishment for doing something bad, our little boy will tell lies with the skill of a well-trained actor.
face to face
Треба розуміти як: зустрітися з кимось персонально
We became friends after meeting online in a chat room, but we’ve never actually met face to face.
fair and square
Треба розуміти як: чесно та справедливо
We won the contract fair and square, without doing anyone any favours.
fall from grace
Треба розуміти як: потрапити в немилість, зробити щось таке, що підриває довіру та повагу
The company’s vice-president was expected to take over the company until he fell from grace after being arrested for stealing company funds.
feather your own nest
Треба розуміти як: гребти під себе, використовувати посаду чи щось інше у своїх інтересах
Kelly says it’s accepted in many developing countries that a government official will use their position to feather their own nest, and this is why government salaries are kept so low.
feel the pinch
Треба розуміти як: бути у тяжкому фінансовому становищі
Since the price of oil went up, lots of businesses have been feeling the pinch.
few and far between
Треба розуміти як: нечисленний, рідкісний
Good jobs are few and far between this year, so you should take this one while you can.
fight a losing battle
Треба розуміти як: вести нерівний бій; намагатися робити щось, хоча й це не допомагає
Some people think that any government that tries to stop people from taking illegal drugs is fighting a losing battle.
fight fire with fire
Треба розуміти як: клин клином вибивати, діяти таки ми ж самими засобами, як опонент
The companies we compete against started spending a lot on advertising, so we had to fight fire with fire and also spend a lot in order to keep our market share.
fill somebody’s shoes
Треба розуміти як: стати гідним наступником
Greg was a great captain for the team so it’ll be difficult to find someone who can fill his shoes now that he’s retiring.
find your feet
Треба розуміти як: призвичаюватися до нових обставин, людей і т.д.
It takes a while to find your feet when you start a new job, but you’ll soon figure out who’s who and what’s what.
firing on all cylinders
Треба розуміти як: працювати на повну, працювати на межі сил, дуже старатися
Did you see Steve’s presentation today? He was firing on all cylinders and it was brilliant.
fly off the handle
Треба розуміти як: втрачати контроль над собою
My wife flew off the handle when I said she spent way too much money on ridiculously expensive designer clothes, ankle-breaking shoes and silly little handbags too small to carry anything in.
for a song
Треба розуміти як: дуже дешево, майже задарма
When I was in Vietnam I bought some beautiful lacquerware for a song. I still can’t believe how cheap it was.
for my money
Треба розуміти як: на мій погляд, мені здається
For my money, the best restaurant in town is the “Ahaan Aroy” Thai restaurant in Prescott Street.
for the time being
Треба розуміти як: на деякий час
You can stay here for the time being, but you’ll have to move out when you find your own place.
forty winks
Треба розуміти як: дрімати, короткий сон у день
If you’re driving on a long trip and you feel yourself getting sleepy, stop and have forty winks. It might save your life, and the lives of other people too.
fresh as a daisy
Треба розуміти як: бути повним сил та наснаги
I might look awful first thing in the morning, but after a cup of tea and a bit of meditation I’m as fresh as a daisy.
friends in high places
Треба розуміти як: мати зв’язки серед впливових осіб
You’ll need friends in high places if you want to get to the top.
from every walk of life | from all walks of life
Треба розуміти як: різного статку, різного соціального рівня
We interviewed people from all walks of life, including doctors, taxi drivers, school teachers and unemployed people.
from now on
Треба розуміти як: починаючи з цього моменту
From now on you can wear casual clothes to work every Friday.
from time to time
Треба розуміти як: час від часу
We usually stay home on Friday nights, though from time to time we’ll go to see a movie.
full of yourself
Треба розуміти як: відчувати себе більш важливим чи кращим, ніж це є насправді
That guy was so full of himself! He couldn’t stop talking about himself and all the wonderful things he’s done.